Thursday, April 30, 2009

A mom who loves American Idol

I was not surprised when Matt Giraud was eliminated last night. I was really shocked that the judges didn't kick him off the island when they had the chance. Whoops! That's another show. I mean use the SAVE card on him 2 weeks ago. What a bummer! I was digging Anoop Dog. He had a fantastic voice. But not as fantastic as Danny Gokey. I have been voting for him every week. I guess if I can't have Teen Beat anymore than I might as well have American Idol.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm turning into a coupon queen!

I was never really a coupon cutter. I used to cut out the toilet paper and paper towel coupons and then get to Target and always forget them. But now that I am staying at home, I have become more conscious of where my dollar goes. I do buy the conventional brands, but also buy more of the organic brands. They are not cheap. Actually, food in general isn't cheap anymore.

So I stumbled upon 2 great blog/websites that might be of interest.

You can Google any brand name you like to find coupons. When you find the coupon you want, you download and print. Note: Most sites only let you print the coupon once. Even if you put in a few different email addresses. Somehow it remembers the computer.

Happy printing!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

FTC wants to regulate Mom Blogs

I read a couple of days ago that the FTC wants to get their dirty little paws involved in the regulation of Mom Blogs. WHAT! Are you kidding me? Of course not! Mom blogs are one of the fastest rising communities on the internet. You can create them for free mostly and earn money by advertising. I'm not quite there yet, but I would like to be. So this means, that I could give my opinion about a product. If you don't like it, you could take legal action against me. So whatever I say on here is my opinion and my opinion only. It's for reading pleasure.

This whole things scares me a bit. I enjoy sharing my local fun finds that could make your life easier. And I like the outlet, since I am not working at the moment.

Hey, this is how we women are. We ask each other for advice. We moms stick together. It's a common bond we share that men will never understand. So for that reason, we need each other.

I recently was on the Baby's R Us website looking for a potty because poop is our lives. I looked for the potty that had the highest rating. I was curious why, so I clicked on the reviews. All of these moms told me how wonderful this potty was and it was so good for their baby. By the way, it was the Potette 2 in 1 potty. So I bought it. If I don't like it or Jameson slides off and impales herself, can I go after those people for telling me they loved it? I read other Mom blogs too and get ideas. Should I go after them? Where does it stop?

I decided there must be a man in charge of the FTC. After I typed that sentence, I decided to Google head of the FTC. His name is Jon Leibowitz and he is a very jealous man. Whatever! I am going to keep spreading the Word of Mouth as long as I can. Keep on reading ladies. MOMMY POWER!

Friday, April 24, 2009

I love Dapple.

You are probably thinking "what in the world is Dapple?".

"Dapple is a line of natural-based cleaning products for households with children. Dapple products are baby-safe and baby-specific -using ingredients found in nature that are also proven to tackle
unique baby cleaning challenges, from dried milk on bottles to
sticky fingerprints on toys."

I stumbled upon it at Baby's R Us. I am somewhat of an organic snob and the Seventh Generation just wasn't powerful enough to get the milk smell and residue off of Jameson's sippy cups. I saw this product and tried it. It worked like a charm. I use it on everything else now too.

I also love that two mom's created the Dapple baby line. Now, why didn't I come up with that?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sometimes it's hard to grieve

If you hadn't heard, my computer died a couple of weeks ago. I laid it to rest trying to resuscitate it, but the darn thing lost it's fight after 6 years of life. I decided to donate it's organs to an external hard drive. (Get an external hard drive TODAY!) The hospital charged me $300 for extracting precious photos, tax information, resumes and Itunes. It was a lot more than I was ready to pay for, but it was worth it. I did mourn for a few days over the loss. I felt such a disconnect from the world. What really was going on out there? How many emails did I have? Would I be missing a crucial evite to RSVP too? Did someone want to be my friend on Facebook? I really didn't know what to do with myself. My husband would ask me to Google something and I would go to the computer, but it wasn't there. I needed to look up a phone number and I actually had to get out the phone book. What was my life becoming?

A week went by. I found myself more relaxed and less dependent on my computer. Reflecting back on our history together, I realized it was like a drug to me. I found myself reading more, paying more attention to my family and finding other ways to fill my time. I couldn't check emails every 5 minutes and it was nice. I did go to my parent's house one of the days to check emails. I was happy to see that Pottery Barn, Sephora and J.Crew had missed me. They never gave up on me and new I would find a way to keep in touch.

How was I going to fill this void? I had to make some tough decisions because it was time to pay bills online. I needed to get another computer, but where to start. You know you need a computer to buy another computer. Confusing! Before I started my search, my sister was nice enough to lend me her old computer which was the exact same computer brand and model. I was thrilled and overjoyed. She shipped it to me from Philadelphia. It would be traveling a long way and I couldn't wait to see it. It seemed like the waiting would never end. I waited a lifetime. (It was from 3pm to 5pm and he delivered it at 6pm. Whatever!) I did almost kiss the UPS guy when he rang the door bell. I couldn't open the box fast enough sifting through all of the Styrofoam peanuts and bubble wrap. It was mine all mine. It booted up so fast which took me by surprise. I clicked on Outlook and there they were, 167 emails. I was back baby. Ooh! Someone wants to be my friend. I guess the grieving is over.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Positive Words

I was cleaning out some old files on my computer and I found this. I don't remember where I got this from. But I love it! I think you can relate this to motherhood. That's a business in itself.

So if you are reading this and you wrote it, I'm sorry for not giving you credit.

Read it. Repeat it. Believe it. Achieve it.

Positive Words

I am going to overcome my fear.

Every time I do something that I fear, I will grow in confidence.

Now is the time for me to do it.

I will equip myself with the skills to do this properly. I will learn, read and research.

I will seek input and feedback from knowledgeable people.

I will practice and prepare.

I will do my very best.

If I make mistakes, I will only get better as a result of making them.

I am a success every time I face my fear, no matter what the result.

Fear will no longer hold me back in life. I will grow, and so will my business!


I am a success

I am brave

I am skilled

I am prepared and ready for all opportunities

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spa Time at Spa Eleven

If you have free time or money, here are some specials at Spa Eleven.

NOTE: Kerry does amazing facials.


Book your next appointment by March 8, and receive a complimentary Redken take home hair treatment.

Book a hair cut and blow dry between 12:00 p.m. and 3:00p.m. and receive 20% off the service. Entire Month of March!

Book any 80 minute massage and receive complimentary sugar scrub upgrade (during the service).

Book any 80 minute facial and receive a free masque from our ElevenSkin collection.

A Nikki's High Heeled Pedicure and receive a complimentary Shape & Shade Manicure ($25 value) on us.

CALL NOW 561.278.1100

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Help! I'm becoming a voyeur.

So, give me the Bravo Channel 24 hours a day. I am fascinated by some of the shows and the people who go on these shows. I mean I know it's realty, but it's their lives being played out in front of evereyone to see. You might have to be a little insane to do this, but I going to be there and watch for sure. I just cannot get enough of it.
I was sick last weekend with the flu. I laid in bed all day on Saturday. I started flipping channels and found my new favorite show Millionaire Matchmaker. I laid achy and feverish watching this crazy, aggressive, 40 year old women telling men how to act on a date and women how to dress on a date. I'm not sure how many episodes I watched, but I think I'm caught up.
Then there are the Housewives of the Orange County. What a bunch of barbie doll, gold digging bitches. I love it! That Vicki and Tamara are so mean. I am in awe of how anyone could be so mean, especially on camera and then deny the things they said about people. The New York Housewives have started. It's been mild so far to say the least, but it's only just begun.
I just finished watching Top Chef. The season was great, yet the finale was very anti-climatic. I have been watching this for about 5 seasons now and I still don't know what a confit is or a beurre blanc.
Now there is a new Supermodel show starting with Tyson Smith. Hot, Hot, Hot! Do I even go there? I think my DVR machine might explode. I tape so many shows and never watch half of them, but I will definately make time for Bravo.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Expanding the Business?

I had a great idea about expanding my business as a mom. I thought I would start an in-home fort construction company. Yesterday, I used my past knowledge to construct a fort in my family room. It took sometime, but when I was done I felt great about it. The framework consisted of couch pillows and cushions, an ottoman, a toy bin and a blanket for the roof. I had 3 openings for easy access, a small built in shelf for stuffed animals and an outside library with a small nook. The owner truly enjoyed it for sometime (10 minutes max), until Hurricane Jameson came through and the fort was destroyed. Thank God, I didn't get an inspection from the city. It would never passed. I didn't even get a permit and we know how long that can take in Boca. So I have decided to not expand the company and keep the forts internal.